Friday, December 14, 2012

Top 5 AHOLICS [11]

Jeffrey Campbell shoes
American Apparel disco pants
Curly fros
Manicured/Sculpted eyebrows

It's been a while since I posted a top 5 aholics. But there's my list. I had to do some very strategic downsizing ("eeney meeney miney mo") to settle on just 5.

In no particular order the aforementioned items have been things that I've been addicted to. I'd be hard pressed to say that I've gone a day without thinking about/using one of them at least once.

Instagram: I joined many moons ago but never really used it. But early this school year I started posting semi-daily outfit of the day pictures. I've since stopped in favor of posting it to my blog. But I do still use the app as a way to see other peoples fashion, food and randomness. LOVE it. If you have an Instagram account leave ur user name below and I'll follow you. Mine is @f3mb0t. (Same on Twitter) We're social creatures and Instagram is just another medium for us to stay connected.

Jeffrey Campbell shoes: If you don't know this designer you may just live under a rock, and I mean that in the nicest way possible. I love his shoes. LOVE LOVE! As in I'd be willing to give up cupcakes for one TWO months for another pair and I LOVE cupcakes! His shoes are ultra comfortable and absolutely fabulous. They can really spice up an outfit. Check here for my recent haul.

American Apparel disco pants: I bought my first pair last year around the same time I bought my first pair of Litas (Campbells). It was love at first sight. I put them on and basically never took them off. Like my Lita's I took any and every opportunity to wear them out. they are AMAZING and a great investment piece. Heavier than leggings and way more fashionable they were a great addition to my collection of bottom. I've since bought a red pair and will be getting navy soon. Here are some outfits I styled with them here, here and here.

Curly Fros: Since ending my 4 month Hide Your Hair Challenge I've been loving wearing my hair curly. Obviously being natural myself I'm biased towards this look because it's so easily achieved, but aside from that it's really cute and chic look. My favorite method is a flat twist out with the ends bantu knoted. Here's a tutorial on how to achieve the look. I recently did this to my hair as well, here.

Last year

Twist and Curl


Manicured eyebrows: I don't wax my eyebrows anymore and rarely pluck them so this method helps keep them looking crisp. I don't wear (eye) makeup on a daily basis because I'm in school and just don't have that kind of time. But I've found that just by having nice looking eyebrows my whole face looks put together. It really makes a difference. If you don't do anything do your eyebrows, and it doesn't mean you have to fill them in or line them with concealer. Just brushing them or gelling them down is enough effort.

Simple brows

Perfect Eyebrow Tutorial

Honorable Mentions and Repeat Offender
Law and Order SVU
Mint (Financial site/app)

What are some of your latest addictions? How do you feel about mine? I definitely recommend them.

-Addicted Fembot


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~Addicted Fembot